12."Fragile Animals" - debut LP "Slow Motion Burial" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/3PAPU4vxeM13ljjrNBgkWb
11."Rid of Me" - 2 LP "Access to the Lonely" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/2e5D5musgU0M9pdD7zRGmt
10."Temple of Angels" - debut LP "Endless Pursuit" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/7hMAdmZ7X1ZDqv0zRyodrc
9."烏兔 WUTU" - debut LP "Lost Innocent Days" (2022) open.spotify.com/album/5Il5P6QqPYCObFXzLfq0K0
8."Crystal Canyon" - 3 LP "Stars and Distant Light" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/27GTcEptH3SK7YSoCE7aOb
7."Gaupa" - 2 LP "Myriad" open.spotify.com/album/3wGofyxNWI01dZbQV97czC
6."Worse." - debut LP "Inner Child" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/0txTN1KgdIaMJR2C1QxgWG
5."Shaam Larein" - 2 LP "Sticka En Kniv I Världen" (2022) open.spotify.com/album/5ZRDYvVTT37FcH5TnLoAZH
4.""Știu Nu Știu" - 4 LP "New Sun" (2022) open.spotify.com/album/1XZMm9cnX2t3vxkfgwS8F1
3."Ond Cirkel" - debut LP "Bräcklig Jord" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/0d2XqfORuMItwHfSYaCrMJ
2."Healthyliving" - debut LP "Songs of Abundance , Psalms of Grief" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/6EyMStysBSgqs0qs9aiFqC
1."Lumari" - debut LP "En Phases" https://open.spotify.com/album/78B2DJvVfPtF3UlKkNAwhj
Dziesmu saraksts
1."Fragile Animals" - "Watching the Clock"
2."Rid of Me" - "The Weekend"
3."Temple of Angels" - "The Hill"
4."烏兔 WUTU" - "Long Night"
5."Crystal Canyon" - "Dreamray"
6."Gaupa" - "Elden"
7."Worse." - "Zoloft"
8."Shaam Larein" - "Beware the Duchess"
9.""Știu Nu Știu" - "Siren"
10."Ond Cirkel" - "Kallar du det Allt "
11."Healthyliving" - "Bloom"
12."Lumari" - "Cloud Control"
13."Lumari" - "Wake Up !"
"Fragile Animals" - "Watching the Clock" www.youtube.com/watch
"Rid of Me" - "The Weekend" www.youtube.com/watch
"Temple of Angels" - "The Hill" www.youtube.com/watch
"烏兔 WUTU" - "Long Night" www.youtube.com/watch
"Crystal Canyon" - "Dreamray" www.youtube.com/watch
"Gaupa" - "Elden" www.youtube.com/watch
"Worse." - "Zoloft" www.youtube.com/watch
"Shaam Larein" - "Beware the Duchess" www.youtube.com/watch
"Știu Nu Știu" - "Siren" www.youtube.com/watch
"Ond Cirkel" - "Kallar du det Allt" www.youtube.com/watch
"Healthyliving" - "Bloom" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wSzLRCviAY
"Lumari" - "Cloud Control" www.youtube.com/watch
"Lumari" - "Wake Up !" www.youtube.com/watch