Ievadā vairākas grupas , kas darbojas dažus gadus un izdevušas vairākus singlus. Velsas , Kārdifas "dreampop" kvintets "Half Happy" , izdevis piecus singlus , būs ar jaunāko "Say It Twice" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/4QARHRW5ATLOaa5bqQVD4t
Braitonas "postpunk" kvartets "Belmondo" izdevis četrus singlus , būs ar jaunāko "Bethleham" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/0eSuFf79J9YgJrZYYTagNl Martā EU tūrē iesildīs pazīstamo "postmetal" kvartetu "Filter".
Skotijas , Glāsgovas "poppunk" kvintets "Sister Madds" , izdevis piecus singlus , būs ar jaunāko "Here We Go Again" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/7KVZnUcruCS0dfUv34NBoe
Četras grupas ar debijas EP : Skotijas , Glāsgovas "dreampop" kvartets "Her Picture" ar EP "Don`t Try to Comfort Me " (2023) open.spotify.com/album/3WYCmELdZw0hPrUoWbVZBg
Norvičas "poppunk" kvintets "Read the Room" ar EP "A Place Like No Other" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/3u2E1NOHSmPUj7D9z1DIat
Kornvolas "dreampop" kvintets "Ghost to Ghost" ar EP "Ghost to Ghost" (2023) ghosttoghostmusic.bandcamp.com/album/ep-2
Pirms gada ar singlu apskatītajam Kolčesteras "dreampop" kvartetam "She`s In Parties" iznācis debijas EP "End Scene" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/4dVFmDSpntpiubR2azooGs
Pieredzējušajam Londonas "goth/postmetal" kvartetam "Cold In Berlin" (dib.2010.g.) iznācis jauns EP "The Body Is the Wound" . Grupas trešais LP "Rituals of Surrender" (2019) bija raidījuma 2020.g.LP TOP 12.vietā.
Raidījuma galvenais albums , otrais LP no Londonas "Another Sky" , interesantai grupai , kas miksē vairākus žanrus (dreampop/postpunk/prog/psychrock) ar īpašu vokālisti Ketrinu Vincentu . Ketrīnas unikālā dziedāšanas balss bieži tiek pieminēta recenzijās. Raidījumā 2019.aprīlī tika apskatīts grupas debijas LP "I Slept On the Floor" (2020) . Otrais LP "Beach Day" open.spotify.com/album/0C9xqtS8KKoFQVBrUZD8jz izdots 1.martā ar 13 dziesmas 45.minūšu garumā.
Noslēgumā no Ziemeļīrijas , Belfāstas : "dreamgaze" kvartets "LipGloss" ar otro singlu "Anna (Walks Along the Street)" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/0MECULsF1JBkHrtz1AbOwP
Dziesmu saraksts
1."Half Happy" - "Say It Twice"
2."Belmondo" - "Bethleham"
3."Sister Madds" - "Here We Go Again"
4."Her Picture" - "I`m Still Here"
5."Read the Room" - "Don`t Look Back"
6."Ghost to Ghost" - "Spider Plant"
7."She`s In Parties" - "Velveteen"
8."Cold In Berlin" - "When Did You See Her Last"
9."Another Sky" - "Burn the Way"
10."Another Sky" - "Psychopath"
11."LipGloss" - "Anna (Walks Along the Street)"
"Half Happy" - "Say It Twice" www.youtube.com/watch
"Belmondo" - "Bethleham" www.youtube.com/watch
"Sister Madds" - "Here We Go Again" www.youtube.com/watch
"Her Picture" - "I`m Still Here" www.youtube.com/watch
"Read the Room" - "Don`t Look Back" (live) www.youtube.com/watch
"Ghost to Ghost" - "Spider Plant" ghosttoghostmusic.bandcamp.com/track/spider-plant-2
"She`s In Parties" - "Velveteen" (live) www.youtube.com/watch
"Cold In Berlin" - "When Did You See Her Last" www.youtube.com/watch
"Another Sky" - "Burn the Way" (live) www.youtube.com/watch
"Another Sky" - "Psychopath" (live) www.youtube.com/watch
"LipGloss" - "Anna (Walks Along the Street)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXqyo1hX24Y